COVID-19 Guidelines
Our team here at Adrien Ip TCM & Acupuncture care about the safety and wellbeing of all our patients and staff during the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic. To help us efficiently support you and maintain a safe environment for everyone involved, please read this information guide in what to expect for your appointment.
We've made the following changes to our procedure, please read below:
We are currently still accepting cash, cheque, and E-Transfer payments. However, we strongly suggest you to use E-Transfer.
We require a mask upon entering our clinic. You may choose to remove it only during your session inside the treatment room with the consent of Dr. Ip. Our staff will be wearing masks at all times. If you need or forgot a mask, you are welcome to purchase one at our clinic for $1.00.
Patient admission only. Individuals accompanying the scheduled patient should wait outside. Exceptions may be made for minors, translators, and caregivers.
We have rearranged the time between appointments to ensure minimal contact with other patients and practitioners, and to allow enough time for cleaning between patients.
Prior to your appointment, please fill out all intake forms sent to you upon booking your appointment including the COVID Screening questionnaire and consent forms.
Practice social distancing. Where possible, clinic staff and patient should do their best to incorporate social distancing during treatment.
Refrain from touching your face. Please try not to touch your face during your appointments. If absolutely necessary, please sanitize again.
Anticipate coughing or sneezing. If possible, please alert the doctor if you are about to cough or sneeze and direct it into a tissue or your sleeves. Tissues will be provided, and you will then be asked to sanitize again.
Reduce face-to-face interaction. Please direct your face away from the clinic staff even when speaking.
If you have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to get in touch with us.